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Lesson 4 - Ear Training

Lesson 1: Recognition of Major/minor

Part 1: Learning Major sound
Part 2: Learning minor sound
Part 3: Practice w/ four-measure phrases

Lesson 2: Recognizing quality of a chord

Part 1: Learning Major chord sound
Part 2: Learning minor chord sound

Lesson 3: Recognizing Intervals

Part 1: Learning M2 sound
Part 2: Learning M3 sound
Part 3: Learning P4 sound
Part 4: Learning P5 sound
Part 5: Learning M6 sound
Part 6: Learning M7 sound
Part 7: Learning P8 sound
Part 8: Review
Part 9: Practice

Lesson 4: Recognizing meter/time signature

Part 1: Learning 4/4 sound
Part 2: Learning 3/4 sound
Part 3: Learning 6/8 sound
Part 4: Learning 2/2 sound
Part 5: Tips!
Part 6: Review
Part 7: Practice